
Kid-Friendly Home Automation Ideas

With kids these days, you’re more than likely to see iPhones and tablets alongside pencils and coloring books. More than ever before, modern children are growing up alongside technology and proving themselves just as tech-savvy as their parents—so why not let Junior share in the fun with your home automation system? Southwest Audio Visual offers the following safe, kid-friendly ideas for home entertainment systems in San Diego:

Touch Screens Offer Intuitive Control

Touch screens make a lot of sense to kids. SWAV’s high-quality home automation system software can be integrated into smart phones and tablets with touch screens and can provide your child with an opportunity for intuitive control and operation.

Wireless Lighting Control

It can be frustrating for your children when they want to continue reading but can’t reach a light switch. A home automation system lets them utilize the lighting from any height through wireless light access. Additionally, the wireless capabilities of a home network allow you to let the kids know when it’s “lights out” for the night, so they’re already in bed, teeth brushed, when you come to tuck them in.

Content Restriction

While many of us may want to encourage kids’ use of technology, there may be times when you’ll want to kid-proof your hardware. Luckily, you don’t need to fret about your kids getting rambunctious over the tech—you can set input restrictions over your whole home network so that things don’t get out of hand.

A Wireless Home Automation System Keeps the Kids Untangled

If your kids are the adventuring, horseplaying type, wireless home automation lets them explore the house to their hearts’ content without your worrying of them tripping over wires. What’s more, you can also have integrated TV risers and revolving doors installed to hide A/V racks and other expensive equipment when they’re not in use.

SWAV wants you to have the best home entertainment systems in San Diego. With these kid-friendly ideas, your home automation system can be fun for the whole family!

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